package com.saurik; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import com.facebook.api.FacebookRestClient; import com.facebook.api.ProfileField; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.saurik.sql; public class fbx { private static HttpClient http_ = new HttpClient(); public static void SetProfileEx(FacebookRestClient fb, Connection cn, long uid) throws Exception { GetMethod get = new GetMethod("" + uid); try { synchronized (http_) { http_.executeMethod(get); } String body = get.getResponseBodyAsString(); fb.profile_setFBML(body, (int) uid); } finally { get.releaseConnection(); } } public static void SetProfile(FacebookRestClient fb, Connection cn, long uid) throws Exception { GetMethod get = new GetMethod("" + uid); try { synchronized (http_) { http_.executeMethod(get); } String body = get.getResponseBodyAsString(); fb.profile_setFBML(body, (int) uid); } finally { get.releaseConnection(); } } public static void Verify(FacebookRestClient fb, PreparedStatement ps) throws Exception { EnumSet fields = EnumSet.of(ProfileField.HAS_ADDED_APP); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); try { while ( { long uid = rs.getLong("id"); Boolean installed = rs.getBoolean("installed"); if (rs.wasNull()) installed = null; ArrayList uids = new ArrayList(); uids.add((int) uid); Document info = fb.users_getInfo(uids, fields); info.normalize(); Boolean has_added_app; { NodeList has_added_apps = info.getElementsByTagName("has_added_app"); if (has_added_apps.getLength() == 0) has_added_app = null; else { assert has_added_apps.getLength() == 1; has_added_app = Integer.valueOf(has_added_apps.item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue()) != 0; } } if ( installed == null && has_added_app != null || installed != null && !installed.equals(has_added_app) ) { System.out.println(uid + " " + installed + " " + has_added_app); } } } finally { rs.close(); } } public static void _assert(boolean test) throws Exception { if (!test) throw new Exception(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Connection cn; { Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); cn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql:facebook", "postgres", ""); } FacebookRestClient fb; { String fb_apikey, fb_secret; { PreparedStatement ps = cn.prepareStatement( "select \"apikey\", \"secret\" from \"application\" where \"callback\" = ?" ); ps.setString(1, "quotable"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); _assert(; fb_apikey = rs.getString("apikey"); fb_secret = rs.getString("secret"); _assert(!; } fb = new FacebookRestClient(fb_apikey, fb_secret, "cb54d938d912fcd1018b2e0f-3614794"); //fb.auth_getSession(fb.auth_createToken()); } cn.prepareStatement( "set search_path to quotable,public" ).executeUpdate(); sql.Buffer qJoin = new sql.Buffer(); qJoin.Append( "join (" + "select " + "\"installation\".\"user\", " + "max(\"installation\".\"at\") as \"at\" " + "from \"installation\" " + "group by \"installation\".\"user\"" + ") as \"installing\" on " + "\"installing\".\"user\" = \"user\".\"id\" " + "join \"installation\" on " + "\"installation\".\"user\" = \"installing\".\"user\" and " + "\"installation\".\"at\" = \"installing\".\"at\"" ); PreparedStatement ps; { sql.Buffer qSelect = new sql.Buffer(); qSelect.Append( "select " + "\"user\".\"id\", " + "\"installation\".\"installed\" " + "from \"user\" " ); qSelect.AppendAll(qJoin); qSelect.Append( " where \"user\".\"id\" <> -1" ); ps = qSelect.Prepare(cn); } /*Verify(fb, ps); if (true) return;*/ sql.Buffer qSelectFromJoinWhere = new sql.Buffer(); sql.Buffer qOrder = new sql.Buffer(); qSelectFromJoinWhere.Append( "select " + "\"user\".\"id\" " + "from \"quotable\".\"user\" " ); qSelectFromJoinWhere.AppendAll(qJoin); qSelectFromJoinWhere.Append( " where \"installation\".\"installed\"" ); qOrder.Append( " order by \"user\".\"id\" asc" ); PreparedStatement psi; { sql.Buffer qSelect = new sql.Buffer(); qSelect.AppendAll(qSelectFromJoinWhere); qSelect.AppendAll(qOrder); psi = qSelect.Prepare(cn); } PreparedStatement psir; { sql.Buffer qSelect = new sql.Buffer(); qSelect.AppendAll(qSelectFromJoinWhere); qSelect.Append(" and \"user\".\"ordering\" = 1"); qSelect.AppendAll(qOrder); psir = qSelect.Prepare(cn); } for (boolean subset = false; !subset; subset = true) { ResultSet rs = (subset ? psir : psi).executeQuery(); try { while ( { long id = rs.getLong("id"); System.out.println(id); try { SetProfile(fb, cn, id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } finally { rs.close(); } System.out.println("=-=-=-=-=-=-="); if (true) return; Thread.sleep(1000 * 60 * 5); } } }