begin; /* handle category overrides */ delete from "method" where "id" in ( select distinct from method as lm join method as rm on = join category as lc on = lm.category join category as rc on = rm.category and lc.class = rc.class where lm.static = rm.static and < or lm.static and not rm.static ); /* XXX: support C++ templates */ delete from "variable" where "type" like '%<%'; delete from "method" where "types" like '%<%'; /* XXX: anonymous structs */ delete from "variable" where "type" like '%{?%'; delete from "method" where "types" like '%{?%'; /* XXX: structs defined later in the same type */ delete from "variable" where "type" like '%DeprecatedStringData%'; delete from "method" where "types" like '%DeprecatedStringData%'; update "method" set "types" = '@"' || ( select "category"."class" from "category" where "category"."id" = "method"."category" ) || '"' || substr("types", 2, -1) where ("name" = 'init' or "name" glob 'init[A-Z]*') and "types" glob '@[^"]*'; /* these methods cause a load of trouble that I have no clue about :( */ delete from "method" where "name" in ( 'position' ); /* this field mentions a class that I don't have a definition for */ delete from "variable" where ( select "name" from "class" where "class"."id" = "variable"."class" ) = 'AVExternalAudio' and "variable"."name" = '_priv'; /* OfficeImport actually thinks it is providing this */ delete from "class" where "name" = 'NSFontManager'; /* int->void is contra-variant... Apple needs to pay more attention */ update "method" set "types" = 'v8@0:4' where "name" = 'fetchSynchronously'; /* near as I can tell, this should return a boolean, but people keep waffling between BOOL (char) and unsigned int */ update "method" set "types" = 'B8@0:4' where "name" = 'becomeFirstResponder'; /* EDProtection is compiled with someone who supports actual booleans */ update "method" set "types" = 'c8@0:4' where "name" = 'isLocked'; /* ISRequest (the interface) says char, but everyone else says void */ update "method" set "types" = 'v8@0:4' where "name" = 'resume'; /* MusicNowPlayingArtLayer bucks the UIKit trend */ update "method" set "types" = 'i16@0:4i8^{__GSEvent=}12' where "name" = 'swipe:withEvent:'; /* PSDetailController is the one oddball, but I have to be covariant */ update "method" set "types" = 'v8@0:4' where "name" = 'popController'; /* NSDistantObject requires class to return id... it sucks */ update "method" set "types" = '@8@0:4' where "name" = 'class'; /* NSNumber and NSValue are doing something weird here? */ update "method" set "types" = '#8@0:4' where "name" = 'classForCoder'; /* I have no clue what type this should be... but damned if it isn't freaky */ update "method" set "types" = '@12@0:4^v8' where "name" = 'initWithHitTestResult:' and "types" = '@12@0:48'; /* these (unused) classes can't be released once allocated... */ delete from "class" where "name" in ('NSMessageBuilder', 'NSInvocationBuilder', 'WebDownload'); /* UIScroller doesn't like GSEvent as much as UI*Table does */ update "method" set "types" = 'i16@0:4i8^{__GSEvent=}12' where "name" = 'contentMouseUpInView:withEvent:'; /* NSString's subclasses use char * instead of void * */ update "method" set "types" = 'c40@0:4^v8I12^I16I20I24{_NSRange=II}28^{_NSRange=II}36' where "name" = 'getBytes:maxLength:usedLength:encoding:options:range:remainingRange:'; /* both __mvFlags and __MVFlags exist, and Mac is case-insensitive... I hate Apple */ update "variable" set "type" = 'I' where "type" like '%{__MFlags=%'; update "variable" set "type" = 'I' where "type" like '%{__MVFlags=%'; commit;