/* Menes - C++ High-Level Utility Library * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Jay Freeman (saurik) */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary * forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "cxx/standard.hh" #pragma hdrstop("build/cxx/standard.pch") #include "clr/ecma.hpp" #include "clr/metadata.hpp" #include "clr/utils.hpp" #include "clr/tokens/assembly.hpp" #include "clr/tokens/method.hpp" #include "clr/tokens/module.hpp" #include "ext/uuid.hpp" #include "ios/getput.hpp" namespace clr { class Method; Metadata::Metadata(const cse::String &path) : pefile_(path) { OPT_TIMER("clr::Module::Parse_()") clihdr_ = reinterpret_cast(pefile_[14].Begin()); _assert(clihdr_ != NULL); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 24.3.3", clihdr_->Cb == sizeof(CliFormat::CliHeader)); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 24.3.3", clihdr_->CodeManagerTable == 0); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 24.3.3", clihdr_->ExportAddressTableJumps == 0); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 24.3.3", clihdr_->ManagedNativeHeader == 0); EcmaAssert("Partition II,", (clihdr_->Flags & CliFormat::ILOnly) != 0) EcmaAssert("Partition II,", (clihdr_->Flags & CliFormat::TrackDebugData) == 0) const char *base(pefile_.FindRva(clihdr_->Metadata)); const char *meta(base); uint32_t Signature(ios::GetLittle(meta)); uint16_t MajorVersion(ios::GetLittle(meta)); uint16_t MinorVersion(ios::GetLittle(meta)); uint32_t Reserved(ios::GetLittle(meta)); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.1", Signature == 0x424a5342); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.1", MajorVersion == 1); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.1", MinorVersion == 0); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.1", Reserved == 0); uint32_t Length(ios::GetLittle(meta)); cse::String Version(meta, Length, ext::ReadOnlyExternal); meta += Length; // XXX: standards compliance on null padding meta += (4 - Length) % 4; uint16_t Flags(ios::GetLittle(meta)); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.1", Flags == 0); uint16_t Streams(ios::GetLittle(meta)); for (uint16_t i(0); i < Streams; ++i) { uint32_t Offset(ios::GetLittle(meta)); uint32_t Size(ios::GetLittle(meta)); ext::Buffer Name; Name.Reserve(8); Name.Assign(meta); meta += Name.GetSize() + 1 + (3 - Name.GetSize()) % 4; //std::cout << Name << "(" << std::setbase(16) << Size << ")" << std::endl; const char *heap(base + Offset); if (Name == _B("#Blob")) blobheap_ = heap; else if (Name == _B("#GUID")) guidheap_ = heap; else if (Name == _B("#Strings")) stringsheap_ = heap; else if (Name == _B("#US")) usheap_ = heap; bool unique(streams_.Insert(Name, ext::SharedByteBlock(heap, Size, ext::ReadOnly)).Second()); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.2", unique); } const CliFormat::Squiggly *squiggly(reinterpret_cast(GetStream(_B("#~")).Begin())); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.6", squiggly->Reserved0 == 0); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.6", squiggly->MajorVersion == 1); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.6", squiggly->MinorVersion == 0); EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.6", squiggly->Reserved1 == 1); //std::cout << std::setbase(10) << static_cast(squiggly->HeapSizes) << std::endl; const char *tilde(reinterpret_cast(squiggly + 1)); tables_.Reserve(64); for (uint64_t i(1), table(0x00); i != 0; i <<= 1, ++table) { if ((squiggly->Valid & i) != 0) { EcmaAssert("Partition II, 23.2.6", table <= Tables::maxtable && Tables::tabledefs[table] != NULL); tables_.SetSize(table); uint32_t rows(ios::GetLittle(tilde)); tables_.InsertLast(Tables::TableInfo(rows)); } } cache_.SetSize(tables_.GetSize()); _assert(tables_.GetSize() <= 64); tables_.SetSize(64); for (uint32_t i(0); i != tables_.GetSize(); ++i) { Tables::TableInfo &table(tables_[i]); if (table.rows == 0) continue; cache_[i].SetSize(table.rows, _null()); _assert(i <= Tables::maxtable); Tables::TableDef &def(*Tables::tabledefs[i]); table.cols = new uint32_t[def.width]; for (uint32_t i(0); i != def.width; ++i) { Tables::ColumnDef &col(def.cols[i]); uint32_t width(col.type->Size(col.sarg, squiggly->HeapSizes, tables_)); table.width += width; table.cols[i] = width; } table.base = tilde; tilde += table.rows * table.width; } GetToken(0x00000001)->SetEntryPoint(GetToken(clihdr_->EntryPointToken)); } Metadata::~Metadata() { // XXX: this is undesired behavior _foreach (CacheList_, cache, cache_) _foreach (TokenList_, token, *cache) delete *token; } const PeFile &Metadata::GetFile() const { return pefile_; } ext::SharedByteBlock Metadata::GetStream(const cse::String &name) const { return streams_.GetOr(name, ext::SharedByteBlock()); } bool Metadata::GetRow(uint32_t token, uint32_t cols[]) const { OPT_TIMER("clr::Module::GetRow()") uint32_t row(TokenRow(token)); if (row == 0) { //_assert(false); return false; } uint32_t table(TokenTable(token)); if (table >= tables_.GetSize()) { //_assert(false); return false; } const Tables::TableInfo &info(tables_[table]); if (row > info.rows) { //_assert(false); return false; } const char *data(info.base + (row - 1) * info.width); Tables::TableDef &def(*Tables::tabledefs[table]); for (size_t i(0); i < def.width; ++i) { uint32_t value(0); uint32_t width(info.cols[i]); switch (width) { case 1: value = ios::GetLittle(data); break; case 2: value = ios::GetLittle(data); break; case 4: value = ios::GetLittle(data); break; default: _assume(false); } Tables::ColumnDef &col(def.cols[i]); cols[i] = col.type->Decode(col.sarg, value); } return true; } uint32_t Metadata::GetRows(uint32_t table) const { return table < tables_.GetSize() ? tables_[table].rows : 0; } ext::SharedByteBlock Metadata::GetBlob(uint32_t index) const { OPT_TIMER("clr::Module::GetBlob()") ext::SharedByteBlock blob; const char *heap(blobheap_ + index); uint32_t size(Uncompress(heap)); blob.Assign(heap, size, ext::ReadOnlyExternal); return blob; } ext::Uuid Metadata::GetUuid(uint32_t index) const { // XXX: this isn't endian-safe return *(reinterpret_cast(guidheap_) + (index - 1)); } cse::String Metadata::GetString(uint32_t index) const { OPT_TIMER("clr::Module::GetString()") //std::cout << static_cast(stringsheap_ + index) << std::endl; return cse::String(stringsheap_ + index, ext::ReadOnlyExternal); } cse::String Metadata::GetUserString(uint32_t index) const { OPT_TIMER("clr::Module::GetUserString()") const char *heap(usheap_ + index); uint32_t size(Uncompress(heap)); _assert((size % 2) == 1); //_assert(heap[size] == 0); cse::String string; for (size_t i(0); i != size - 1; i += 2) string.InsertLast(heap[i]); return string; } Assembly *Metadata::GetAssembly() { return GetToken(0x20000001); } Module *Metadata::GetModule() { return GetToken(0x00000001); } }