#!/bin/sh # This script has been placed in the public domain by its author, John Kane. # This file is part of MSYS # http://www.mingw.org/msys.shtml # File: msysinfo echo 'msysinfo-1.3: Send this to the MSYS support list:' echo ; echo 'MSYS '$(uname -rvmp)"; targ="$(uname -s|cut -d_ -f1) echo $(sh --version | grep -i '[0-9]\.[0-9]')"; ENV=${ENV:-.profile}" echo -n $(make --version | grep -i '[0-9]\.[0-9]' | cut -db -f1)"" echo $(make --version | grep -i 'Built')"; MAKE_MODE=$MAKE_MODE" echo $(gcc --version | grep -i '[0-9]\.[0-9]')"; targ="$(uname -s|cut -d_ -f1) ld --version | grep -i '[0-9]\.[0-9]' ls -o --full-time /bin/msys*.dll | cut -c 25- ls -o --full-time $(type -p make).exe | cut -c 25- ls -o --full-time $(type -p gcc).exe | cut -c 25- ls -o --full-time $(type -p ld).exe | cut -c 25- echo "HOME=$HOME" echo "Sysname=$(uname --sysname) OSTYPE=$OSTYPE TERM=$TERM" echo "PATH=$PATH" | fold -w 64 ; echo "$ ls -tx $PWD" ; ls -tAxFw64 if [ "$1" = "all" ] || [ "$1" = "long" ] ; then echo ; md5sum -b /bin/msys*.dll ; md5sum -b $(type -p make).exe md5sum -b $(type -p gcc).exe ; md5sum -b $(type -p ld).exe echo ; echo "In /etc/fstab:" ; cat /etc/fstab | grep '/' echo ; echo "In /etc/profile:" ; cat /etc/profile | grep -i 'export' echo ; grep -a '%%%' /bin/msys*.dll echo ; set | fold -sw 64 echo ; echo '$ msysinfo all >msysinfo.txt will save this to a file' fi