# Shuangpin Profile ShuangpinProfile=Ziranma # Show current shuangpin mode ShowShuangpinMode=True # Page size PageSize=7 # Enable Spell SpellEnabled=True # Enable Emoji EmojiEnabled=True # Enable Chaizi ChaiziEnabled=True # Enable Characters in Unicode CJK Extension B ExtBEnabled=True # Enable Cloud Pinyin CloudPinyinEnabled=False # Cloud Pinyin Index CloudPinyinIndex=2 # Show animation when Cloud Pinyin is loading CloudPinyinAnimation=True # Always show Cloud Pinyin place holder KeepCloudPinyinPlaceHolder=False # Preedit Mode PreeditMode="Composing pinyin" # Fix embedded preedit cursor at the beginning of the preedit PreeditCursorPositionAtBeginning=True # Show complete pinyin in preedit PinyinInPreedit=False # Enable Prediction Prediction=False # Prediction Size PredictionSize=49 # Action when switching input method SwitchInputMethodBehavior="Commit current preedit" # Select 2nd Candidate SecondCandidate= # Select 3rd Candidate ThirdCandidate= # Use Keypad as Selection key UseKeypadAsSelection=False # Use BackSpace to cancel the selection BackSpaceToUnselect=True # Number of Sentences Number of sentence=2 # Prompt long word length when input length over (0 for disable) LongWordLengthLimit=4 # Key to trigger quickphrase QuickPhraseKey=semicolon # Use V to trigger quickphrase VAsQuickphrase=True # FirstRun FirstRun=False [ForgetWord] 0=Control+7 [PrevPage] 0=minus 1=Up 2=KP_Up [NextPage] 0=equal 1=Down 2=KP_Down [PrevCandidate] 0=Shift+Tab [NextCandidate] 0=Tab [ChooseCharFromPhrase] 0=bracketleft 1=bracketright [FilterByStroke] 0=grave [QuickPhrase trigger] 0=www. 1=ftp. 2=http: 3=mail. 4=bbs. 5=forum. 6=https: 7=ftp: 8=telnet: 9=mailto: [Fuzzy] # ue -> ve VE_UE=True # Common Typo NG_GN=True # Inner Segment (xian -> xi'an) Inner=True # Inner Segment for Short Pinyin (qie -> qi'e) InnerShort=True # Match partial finals (e -> en, eng, ei) PartialFinal=True # Match partial shuangpin if input length is longer than 4 PartialSp=False # u <-> v V_U=False # an <-> ang AN_ANG=False # en <-> eng EN_ENG=False # ian <-> iang IAN_IANG=False # in <-> ing IN_ING=False # u <-> ou U_OU=False # uan <-> uang UAN_UANG=False # c <-> ch C_CH=False # f <-> h F_H=False # l <-> n L_N=False # s <-> sh S_SH=False # z <-> zh Z_ZH=False