/* Copyright, License, & Warranty Disclaimer {{{ */ /* S3FS - Linux VFS Module for Amazon S3 * Copyright (C) 2006 Jay Freeman (saurik) */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary * forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* }}} */ /* Include Directives {{{ */ #include "platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include "base64.h" #include "udfdecl.h" /* }}} */ /* Configuration Constants {{{ */ #define HTTP_MAXLINE 1024 #define HTTP_MINLINE 32 #define S3FS_MAGIC 0x53334653 /* }}} */ /* Debug Logging {{{ */ #if 1 #define log(type, format, args ...) \ printk(KERN_ ## type "s3fs: " format "\n", ## args) #else #define log(type, format, args ...) #endif #define _trace() do { \ log(EMERG, "(%s:%u) %s()", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \ /*mdelay(2000);*/ \ } while (false) #if 1 #define enter_(format, args ...) do { \ log(EMERG, "(%s:%u) +%s(" format ")", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args); \ /*mdelay(2000);*/ \ } while (false) #else #define enter_(format, args ...) #endif /* }}} */ #define AmazonHost_ "" #define AmazonPort_ 80 /* Data Structure: String {{{ */ struct String_ { char *data_; size_t size_; }; static _finline void string_movenext_(struct String_ *string) { ++string->data_; --string->size_; } static void string_copy_range_(struct String_ *string, const char *value, size_t size) { string->data_ = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL) + 1; memcpy(string->data_, value, size); string->data_[size] = '\0'; string->size_ = size; } static _finline void string_copy_cstr_(struct String_ *string, const char *value) { string_copy_range_(string, value, strlen(value)); } static _finline void string_copy_string_(struct String_ *string, struct String_ *value) { string_copy_range_(string, value->data_, value->size_); } static bool string_equals_range_(struct String_ *string, const char *value, size_t size) { return string->size_ == size && ( string->data_ == value || memcmp(string->data_, value, size) == 0 ); } static _finline void string_export_(char *data, struct String_ *string) { memcpy(data, string->data_, string->size_); } static void string_lower_(struct String_ *value) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i != value->size_; ++i) value->data_[i] = tolower(value->data_[i]); } /*static _finline bool string_empty_(struct String_ *value) { return value->size_ == 0; }*/ #define string_equals_(string, value) \ string_equals_range_(string, value, sizeof(value) - 1) /* }}} */ /* Data Structure: Uuid {{{ */ typedef union { uint8_t bytes_[16]; struct { uint32_t data1_; uint16_t data2_; uint16_t data3_; uint16_t data4_; uint16_t data5_; uint32_t data6_; } parts_; } uuid_t; #define UuidLength_ 36 static void uuid_create_(uuid_t *_this) { /* XXX: implement */ generate_random_uuid(_this->bytes_); } static _finline void uuid_unparse_(char *string, uuid_t *uuid) { snprintf(string, 37, "%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.4x-%.4x%.8x", cpu_to_be32(uuid->parts_.data1_), cpu_to_be16(uuid->parts_.data2_), cpu_to_be16(uuid->parts_.data3_), cpu_to_be16(uuid->parts_.data4_), cpu_to_be16(uuid->parts_.data5_), cpu_to_be32(uuid->parts_.data6_) ); } static _finline void uuid_copy_(uuid_t *_this, uuid_t *value) { memmove(_this, value, sizeof(uuid_t)); } static _finline int uuid_compare_(uuid_t *_this, uuid_t *value) { return memcmp(_this, value, sizeof(uuid_t)); } /* }}} */ /* XXX: move Uuid out and promote this header */ #include "s3data.h" /* XXX: this is probably bogus */ typedef pgoff_t blkoff_t; static _finline void dec2_unparse_(char *data, unsigned value) { data[0] = value / 10 + '0'; data[1] = value % 10 + '0'; } struct Combined_ { const char *device_; void *data_; }; struct Connection_ { struct Connection_ *next_; struct ClientSuper_ *cs_; struct socket *socket_; struct sockaddr_in address_; char *buffer_; size_t size_; }; struct ClientSuper_ { struct semaphore lock_; struct Connection_ *connection_; uint8_t buffer_[4096]; size_t offset_; size_t size_; struct String_ host_; uint16_t port_; struct String_ id_; struct String_ key_; struct String_ bucket_; struct String_ prefix_; uint64_t transferred_; }; struct ClientIndex_ { struct inode kindex_; uuid_t uuid_; struct ServerIndex_ pfile_; bool written_; }; struct crypto_tfm *tfm_; size_t hsize_ = 512; /* String Constants {{{ */ #define STR_DEFINE(value) { \ .data_ = (value), \ .size_ = sizeof(value) - 1 \ } struct String_ XmlCode_ = STR_DEFINE("Code"); struct String_ XmlKey_ = STR_DEFINE("Key"); struct String_ HttpDelete_ = STR_DEFINE("DELETE"); struct String_ HttpGet_ = STR_DEFINE("GET"); struct String_ HttpPut_ = STR_DEFINE("PUT"); struct String_ Day_[] = { STR_DEFINE("Wed"), STR_DEFINE("Thu"), STR_DEFINE("Fri"), STR_DEFINE("Sat"), STR_DEFINE("Sun"), STR_DEFINE("Mon"), STR_DEFINE("Tue") }; struct String_ Month_[] = { STR_DEFINE("Dec"), STR_DEFINE("Jan"), STR_DEFINE("Feb"), STR_DEFINE("Mar"), STR_DEFINE("Apr"), STR_DEFINE("May"), STR_DEFINE("Jun"), STR_DEFINE("Jul"), STR_DEFINE("Aug"), STR_DEFINE("Sep"), STR_DEFINE("Oct"), STR_DEFINE("Nov") }; /* }}} */ /* Character Sets {{{ */ static _finline bool is_newline_(char value) { return value == '\r' || value == '\n'; } static _finline bool is_white_(char value) { return value == ' ' || value == '\t'; } /* }}} */ /* Scatter/Gather Helper Macros {{{ */ #define IOV_RANGE(data, size) \ do { \ iov[iovs].iov_base = (data); \ iov[iovs].iov_len = (size); \ ++iovs; \ } while(false) #define SG_RANGE(data, size) \ do { \ /*size_t _i; \ printk(KERN_INFO "sign: "); \ for (_i = 0; _i != (size); ++_i) \ printk(" %.2x", (data)[_i]); \ printk("\n");*/ \ sg_init_one(&sg[sgs++], data, size); \ } while(false) #define STRING_RANGE_(singular, plural, data, size) \ do { \ singular[plural].data_ = (char *) (data); \ singular[plural].size_ = (size); \ ++plural; \ } while (false) #define URL_RANGE(data, size) \ STRING_RANGE_(url, urls, data, size) #define QUERY_RANGE(data, size) \ STRING_RANGE_(query, queries, data, size) #define ADD_RANGE(type, data, size) \ type ## _RANGE(data, size) #define ADD_CONST(type, string) \ type ## _RANGE(string, sizeof(string) - 1) #define ADD_STRING(type, string) \ type ## _RANGE((string)->data_, (string)->size_) #define ADD_MULTI(type, string, strings) \ do { \ size_t _i; \ for (_i = 0; _i != (strings); ++_i) \ ADD_STRING(type, &(string)[_i]); \ } while (false) /* }}} */ /* Dump Diagnostics {{{ */ static char simplify_(uint8_t value) { return value < 0x20 || value >= 0x80 ? '.' : value; } static void dump_(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { size_t i = 0, j; while (i != size) { if (i % 16 == 0) printk(KERN_INFO "0x%.3x:", i); if (i % 4 == 0 && i % 16 != 0) printk(" "); printk(" %.2x", data[i]); if (++i % 16 == 0) { printk(" "); for (j = i - 16; j != i; ++j) printk("%c", simplify_(data[j])); printk("\n"); } } if (i % 16 != 0) { printk(" " + ((i % 16) - 1) / 4); for (j = i; j % 16 != 0; ++j) printk(" "); printk(" "); for (j = i - i % 16; j != i; ++j) printk("%c", simplify_(data[j])); printk("\n"); } } /* }}} */ /* Simplistic Xml Parser {{{ */ enum ParseState_ { Parse_, ParsePi_, ParseOpen_, ParseClose_, ParseTag_, ParseText_ }; struct ParseFrame_ { enum ParseState_ state_; struct String_ *name_; bool content_; int (*on_content_)(void *, uint8_t *, size_t); void *arg_; }; static size_t on_parse_(void *arg, uint8_t *data, size_t size, bool last) { int error = 0; struct ParseFrame_ *pframe = (struct ParseFrame_ *) arg; size_t offset = 0; /*log(INFO, "on_parse_() %u", size); dump_(data, size);*/ while (offset != size) switch (pframe->state_) { case Parse_: { if (data[offset] != '<') pframe->state_ = ParseText_; else { ++offset; pframe->state_ = ParseTag_; } } break; case ParseTag_: { switch (data[offset]) { case '?': ++offset; pframe->state_ = ParsePi_; break; case '/': ++offset; pframe->state_ = ParseClose_; break; default: pframe->state_ = ParseOpen_; break; } } break; case ParsePi_: case ParseClose_: { uint8_t *gt = memchr(data + offset, '>', size - offset); if (gt == NULL) return size; offset = gt - data + 1; pframe->state_ = Parse_; } break; case ParseOpen_: { uint8_t *gt = memchr(data + offset, '>', size - offset); if (gt == NULL) return offset; if (string_equals_range_(pframe->name_, data + offset, gt - data - offset)) pframe->content_ = true; offset = gt - data + 1; pframe->state_ = Parse_; } break; case ParseText_: { uint8_t *lt = memchr(data + offset, '<', size - offset); if (lt == NULL) { if (_unlikely(pframe->content_)) return offset; else return size; } if (_unlikely(pframe->content_)) { pframe->content_ = false; _check(pframe->on_content_(pframe->arg_, data + offset, lt - data - offset)); } offset = lt - data + 1; pframe->state_ = ParseClose_; } break; } return size; error: return error; } /* }}} */ /* Raw Data Parser {{{ */ struct WriteFrame_ { struct String_ *string_; }; static size_t on_write_(void *arg, uint8_t *data, size_t size, bool last) { struct WriteFrame_ *wframe = (struct WriteFrame_ *) arg; size_t length; if (size <= wframe->string_->size_) length = size; else { log(ERR, "too much data in HTTP body"); length = wframe->string_->size_; } memmove(wframe->string_->data_, data, length); wframe->string_->data_ += length; wframe->string_->size_ -= length; return size; } /* }}} */ /* S3: Connection Pooling {{{ */ void destroy_connection_(struct Connection_ *connection) { if (connection->socket_ != NULL) sock_release(connection->socket_); if (connection->buffer_ != NULL) kfree(connection->buffer_); kfree(connection); } static void s3_disconnect_(struct ClientSuper_ *cs, struct Connection_ *connection) { down(&cs->lock_); connection->next_ = cs->connection_; cs->connection_ = connection; up(&cs->lock_); } /* XXX: this function isn't very robust to network outages */ static int s3_connect_(struct ClientSuper_ *cs, struct Connection_ **connection) { int error = 0; jiffies_t mark; down(&cs->lock_); if (cs->connection_) { *connection = cs->connection_; cs->connection_ = (*connection)->next_; } up(&cs->lock_); if (*connection == NULL) { *connection = kzalloc(sizeof(struct Connection_), GFP_KERNEL); if (*connection == NULL) _raise(ENOMEM); (*connection)->buffer_ = kmalloc(hsize_, GFP_KERNEL); if ((*connection)->buffer_ == NULL) _raise(ENOMEM); (*connection)->size_ = hsize_; (*connection)->cs_ = cs; (*connection)->socket_ = NULL; _check(sock_create_kern(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, &(*connection)->socket_)); (*connection)->address_.sin_family = AF_INET; (*connection)->address_.sin_addr.s_addr = in_aton(cs->host_.data_); (*connection)->address_.sin_port = htons(cs->port_); log(INFO, "connecting..."); mark = jiffies; /* XXX: if this blocks, it blocks _hard_ */ if ((error = (*connection)->socket_->ops->connect( (*connection)->socket_, (struct sockaddr *) &(*connection)->address_, sizeof((*connection)->address_), 0 )) < 0) goto error; log(INFO, "connect: %lums", (jiffies - mark) * 1000 / HZ); } return 0; error: destroy_connection_(*connection); *connection = NULL; return error; } /* }}} */ /* S3: Network Helpers {{{ */ static int s3_send_iov_(struct Connection_ *connection, struct kvec *iov, size_t iovs) { int error = 0; struct msghdr header; size_t total = 0, i; for (i = 0; i != iovs; ++i) total += iov[i].iov_len; header.msg_name = &connection->address_; header.msg_namelen = sizeof(connection->address_); header.msg_control = NULL; header.msg_controllen = 0; header.msg_flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; _forever { _check(kernel_sendmsg(connection->socket_, &header, iov, iovs, total)); connection->cs_->transferred_ += error; total -= error; if (total == 0) return 0; do if (iov[0].iov_len > error) { iov[0].iov_base += error; iov[0].iov_len -= error; break; } else { error -= iov[0].iov_len; ++iov; --iovs; } while (error != 0); } error: return error; } static int s3_send_string_(struct Connection_ *connection, struct String_ *string) { struct kvec iov[1]; size_t iovs = 0; ADD_STRING(IOV, string); return s3_send_iov_(connection, iov, iovs); } static int s3_receive_(struct Connection_ *connection, uint8_t *data, size_t size) { int error = 0; struct kvec iov = { .iov_base = data, .iov_len = size }; struct msghdr header; header.msg_flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; _check(kernel_recvmsg(connection->socket_, &header, &iov, 1, size, header.msg_flags)); /*log(INFO, "s3_receive_()"); dump_(data, error);*/ return error; error: return error; } /* }}} */ /* S3: Headers/Authorization {{{ */ static int s3_headers_( struct Connection_ *connection, const struct String_ *method, const struct String_ *url, size_t urls, const struct String_ *query, size_t queries, unsigned length ) { struct ClientSuper_ *cs; struct kvec iov[12 + urls + queries]; size_t iovs = 0; struct scatterlist sg[7 + urls]; size_t sgs = 0; struct timespec now; kernel_timestamp timestamp; int32_t timezone; char content[20 + 1]; unsigned keysize; char digest[20]; char signature[1 + 28 + 1]; char date[] = "Day, ## Mon YEAR HH:MM:SS +0000"; /*0123456789012345678901234567890*/ cs = connection->cs_; _assert(cs != NULL); now = current_kernel_time(); udf_time_to_stamp(×tamp, now); timezone = -((int32_t) ((0x1000 - (timestamp.typeAndTimezone & 0xfff)) << 4) >> 4); string_export_(date + 0, &Day_[now.tv_sec / (24 * 60 * 60) % 7]); dec2_unparse_(date + 5, timestamp.day); string_export_(date + 8, &Month_[timestamp.month]); /* XXX: this is not year 10000 safe */ dec2_unparse_(date + 12, timestamp.year / 100); dec2_unparse_(date + 14, timestamp.year % 100); dec2_unparse_(date + 17, timestamp.hour); dec2_unparse_(date + 20, timestamp.minute); dec2_unparse_(date + 23, timestamp.second); if (timezone < 0) { date[26] = '-'; timezone = -timezone; } dec2_unparse_(date + 27, timezone / 60); dec2_unparse_(date + 29, timezone % 60); ADD_STRING(SG, method); ADD_CONST(SG, "\n"); ADD_CONST(SG, "\n"); ADD_CONST(SG, "\n"); ADD_CONST(SG, date); ADD_CONST(SG, "\n"); ADD_STRING(IOV, method); ADD_CONST(IOV, " /"); ADD_CONST(SG, "/"); ADD_MULTI(IOV, url, urls); ADD_MULTI(SG, url, urls); if (queries != _not(size_t)) { _assert(query != NULL); ADD_CONST(IOV, "?"); ADD_MULTI(IOV, query, queries); } keysize = cs->key_.size_; crypto_hmac(tfm_, cs->key_.data_, &keysize, sg, sgs, digest); signature[0] = ':'; base64_encode(signature + 1, digest, sizeof(digest)); signature[sizeof(signature) - 1] = '\0'; ADD_CONST(IOV, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: s3.amazonaws.com\r\nDate: "); ADD_CONST(IOV, date); ADD_CONST(IOV, "\r\nAuthorization: AWS "); ADD_STRING(IOV, &cs->id_); ADD_CONST(IOV, signature); ADD_CONST(IOV, "\r\n"); if (length != _not(size_t)) { size_t size = sprintf(content, "%u", length); ADD_CONST(IOV, "Content-Length: "); ADD_RANGE(IOV, content, size); ADD_CONST(IOV, "\r\n"); } ADD_CONST(IOV, "\r\n"); return s3_send_iov_(connection, iov, iovs); } /* }}} */ /* S3: Request Generator/Parser {{{ */ typedef size_t (*OnWrite_)(void *arg, uint8_t *data, size_t size, bool last); struct CodeFrame_ { char error_[32]; }; static int on_code_(void *arg, uint8_t *data, size_t size) { struct CodeFrame_ *cframe = (struct CodeFrame_ *) arg; _assert(data != NULL); _assert(cframe != NULL); data[size] = '\0'; strncpy(cframe->error_, data, sizeof(cframe->error_) - 1); cframe->error_[sizeof(cframe->error_) - 1] = '\0'; return 0; } enum Delimeter_ { Unknown_, TransferEncodingChunked_, ContentLength_, Close_ }; static int s3_increase_( struct Connection_ *connection, char **buffer, size_t *size, size_t *offset, size_t *begin, size_t *end ) { int error = 0; _assert(connection != NULL); _assert(buffer != NULL); _assert(*buffer != NULL); _assert(size != NULL); _assert(offset != NULL); _assert(begin != NULL); _assert(end != NULL); if (_unlikely(*size - *end < HTTP_MINLINE)) { if (_unlikely(*size - *end + *offset < HTTP_MINLINE)) { char *temp = kmalloc(*size *= 2, GFP_KERNEL); if (temp == NULL) _raise(ENOMEM); memcpy(temp, *buffer + *offset, *end - *offset); kfree(*buffer); *buffer = temp; } else { memmove(*buffer, *buffer + *offset, *end - *offset); } *end -= *offset; *begin -= *offset; *offset = 0; } _check(s3_receive_(connection, *buffer + *end, *size - *end)); *end += error; return error; error: return error; } static int s3_request__( struct ClientSuper_ *cs, struct String_ *method, struct String_ *url, size_t urls, struct String_ *query, size_t queries, struct String_ *content, OnWrite_ on_write, void *arg ) { int error = 0; struct Connection_ *connection = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; size_t size = HTTP_MAXLINE; size_t offset, begin = 0, end = 0; enum Delimeter_ delimeter = Unknown_; bool close = false; unsigned code = _not(unsigned); bool truncated = false; char *lf = NULL, *colon; size_t remain = _not(size_t); struct CodeFrame_ cframe; /* XXX: move initialization? */ struct ParseFrame_ pframe = { .state_ = Parse_, .name_ = &XmlCode_, .content_ = false, .on_content_ = &on_code_, .arg_ = (void *) &cframe }; _assert(cs != NULL); _assert(method != NULL); _check(s3_connect_(cs, &connection)); _assert(connection != NULL); code = _not(unsigned); _check(s3_headers_( connection, method, url, urls, query, queries, content == NULL ? _not(size_t) : content->size_ )); if (content != NULL) _check(s3_send_string_(connection, content)); buffer = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); if (buffer == NULL) _raise(ENOMEM); receive: if (_unlikely(size - end < HTTP_MINLINE)) { if (_unlikely(truncated)) truncated: { begin = 0; end = 0; } else if (_likely(size - end + begin >= HTTP_MINLINE)) { memmove(buffer, buffer + begin, end - begin); end = end - begin; begin = 0; } else if (_unlikely(code == _not(unsigned))) { log(ERR, "truncated response code!"); truncated = true; goto code; } else { truncated = true; lf = buffer + end - 1; goto parse; } } _check(s3_receive_(connection, buffer + end, size - end)); if (_unlikely(error == 0)) { log(ERR, "premature clean disconnection!"); _raise(EINVAL); } line: lf = memchr(buffer + end, '\n', error); if (lf == NULL) { end += error; goto receive; } if (_unlikely(truncated)) truncated = false; else if (_unlikely(code == _not(unsigned))) code: { if (_unlikely(memcmp(buffer + begin, "HTTP/1.1 ", 9) != 0)) { log(ERR, "protocol not HTTP/1.1"); _raise(EINVAL); } code = simple_strtoul(buffer + begin + 9, NULL, 10); } else if (_unlikely(is_newline_(buffer[begin]))) { begin = lf - buffer + 1; end += error; goto body; } else parse: if (_likely(!is_white_(buffer[begin]))) { struct String_ name, value; colon = memchr(buffer + begin, ':', lf - buffer - begin); if (_unlikely(colon == NULL)) { if (_unlikely(truncated)) log(ERR, "truncated header name!"); else log(ERR, "malformed header line!"); _raise(EINVAL); } name.data_ = buffer + begin; name.size_ = colon - buffer - begin; value.data_ = colon + 1; value.size_ = lf - colon - 1; while ( value.size_ != 0 && is_white_(value.data_[0]) ) string_movenext_(&value); if (value.data_[value.size_ - 1] == '\r') --value.size_; string_lower_(&name); name.data_[name.size_] = '\0'; value.data_[value.size_] = '\0'; if (string_equals_(&name, "content-encoding")) { log(ERR, "Content-Encoding unsupported!"); _raise(EINVAL); } else if (string_equals_(&name, "connection")) { if (string_equals_(&value, "close")) close = true; else { log(ERR, "unknown Connection!"); _raise(EINVAL); } } else if (string_equals_(&name, "content-length")) { delimeter = ContentLength_; remain = simple_strtoul(value.data_, NULL, 10); } else if (string_equals_(&name, "transfer-encoding")) { if (string_equals_(&value, "chunked")) delimeter = TransferEncodingChunked_; else { log(ERR, "unknown Transfer-Encoding!"); _raise(EINVAL); } } /*log(INFO, "parsed header:"); dump_(name.data_, name.size_); dump_(value.data_, value.size_);*/ } if (_unlikely(truncated)) goto truncated; begin = lf - buffer + 1; error -= begin - end; end = begin; goto line; body: offset = begin; if (code == 204) goto finish; else if (_unlikely(code != 200)) { cframe.error_[0] = '\0'; on_write = &on_parse_; arg = (void *) &pframe; } if (_unlikely(delimeter == Unknown_)) { if (close) delimeter = Close_; else { log(ERR, "unknown content delimiting!"); _raise(EINVAL); } } if (_unlikely(delimeter == TransferEncodingChunked_)) chunked: { lf = memchr(buffer + begin, '\n', end - begin); if (_unlikely(lf == NULL)) { _check(s3_increase_(connection, &buffer, &size, &offset, &begin, &end)); if (error == 0) goto unexpected; goto chunked; } *lf = '\0'; if (lf[-1] == '\r') lf[-1] = '\0'; remain = simple_strtoul(buffer + begin, NULL, 16); error = lf - buffer - begin + 1; memmove(buffer + offset + error, buffer + offset, begin - offset); offset += error; begin += error; if (remain == 0) { /* XXX: make this correctly parse content trailers */ trailer: lf = memchr(buffer + begin, '\n', end - begin); if (_unlikely(lf == NULL)) { _check(s3_increase_(connection, &buffer, &size, &offset, &begin, &end)); if (error == 0) goto unexpected; goto trailer; } error = lf - buffer - begin + 1; memmove(buffer + offset + error, buffer + offset, begin - offset); offset += error; begin += error; goto finish; } } _forever { //log(INFO, "%u %u %u %u", size, offset, begin, end); if (_unlikely(remain == _not(size_t))) error = end - begin; else { error = (end - begin > remain ? remain : end - begin); remain -= error; } begin += error; error = begin - offset; if (_likely(on_write != NULL)) _check(on_write(arg, buffer + offset, error, false)); offset += error; if (remain == 0) break; _check(s3_increase_(connection, &buffer, &size, &offset, &begin, &end)); if (_unlikely(error == 0)) { if (delimeter == Close_) goto destroy; goto unexpected; } } if (_unlikely(delimeter == TransferEncodingChunked_)) { /* XXX: make this correctly parse chunk extensions */ extension: lf = memchr(buffer + begin, '\n', end - begin); if (_unlikely(lf == NULL)) { _check(s3_increase_(connection, &buffer, &size, &offset, &begin, &end)); if (error == 0) goto unexpected; goto extension; } error = lf - buffer - begin + 1; memmove(buffer + offset + error, buffer + offset, begin - offset); offset += error; begin += error; goto chunked; } if (_unlikely(end - begin != 0)) { log(ERR, "extra, unused HTTP body"); dump_(buffer + begin, end - begin); _raise(EINVAL); } finish: if (_unlikely(close)) destroy: destroy_connection_(connection); else s3_disconnect_(cs, connection); connection = NULL; if (_likely(on_write != NULL)) on_write(arg, buffer + offset, end - offset, true); switch (code) { case 200: case 204: code = _not(unsigned); error = 0; break; case 400: /* Bad Request */ _raise(EINVAL); break; case 403: /* Forbidden */ error = -EPERM; break; case 404: code = _not(unsigned); error = -ENOENT; break; case 405: /* Method Not Allowed */ case 409: /* Conflict */ case 411: /* Length Required */ case 412: /* Precondition Failed */ case 416: /* Requested Range Not Satisfiable */ case 500: /* Internal ServerError */ default: error = -EINVAL; break; } if (code != _not(unsigned)) log(ERR, "ERROR (%u: %s)", code, cframe.error_); kfree(buffer); return error; unexpected: log(ERR, "connection unexpectedly terminated!"); _raise(EINVAL); error: if (buffer != NULL) kfree(buffer); if (connection != NULL) destroy_connection_(connection); return error; } static int s3_request_( struct ClientSuper_ *cs, struct String_ *method, struct String_ *url, size_t urls, struct String_ *query, size_t queries, struct String_ *content, OnWrite_ on_write, void *arg ) { int error; jiffies_t mark; mark = jiffies; /* XXX: retry requests from this top-level vantage */ error = s3_request__( cs, method, url, urls, query, queries, content, on_write, arg ); log(INFO, "%s: %lums", method->data_, (jiffies - mark) * 1000 / HZ); return error; } /* }}} */ static _finline struct ClientIndex_ *indexnode_(struct inode *ki) { return container_of(ki, struct ClientIndex_, kindex_); } static int s3_get_block_(struct inode *ki, char *map, blkoff_t index) { int error = 0; struct ClientIndex_ *ci; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 3 + 1]; char ac_number[16]; struct String_ s_number; struct String_ url[5]; size_t urls = 0; struct String_ body = { .data_ = map, .size_ = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE }; struct WriteFrame_ wframe = { .string_ = &body }; ci = indexnode_(ki); ks = ki->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, &ci->uuid_); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 4] = '/'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 3] = 'b'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 2] = ':'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; s_number.data_ = ac_number; s_number.size_ = sprintf(ac_number, "%lu", index); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(URL, uuid); ADD_STRING(URL, &s_number); error = s3_request_( cs, &HttpGet_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), NULL, &on_write_, &wframe ); if (error == -ENOENT) { memset(map, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE); goto done; } else _check(error); if (_unlikely(body.size_ != 0)) { log(ERR, "truncated data block!"); _raise(EINVAL); } done: return 0; error: return error; } static int s3_put_block_(struct inode *ki, char *map, blkoff_t index) { int error = 0; struct ClientIndex_ *ci; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 3 + 1]; char ac_number[16]; struct String_ s_number; struct String_ url[5]; size_t urls = 0; struct String_ body = { .data_ = map, .size_ = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE }; ci = indexnode_(ki); ks = ki->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, &ci->uuid_); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 4] = '/'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 3] = 'b'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 2] = ':'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; s_number.data_ = ac_number; s_number.size_ = sprintf(ac_number, "%lu", index); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(URL, uuid); ADD_STRING(URL, &s_number); _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpPut_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), &body, NULL, NULL )); return 0; error: return error; } struct TruncateFrame_ { struct ClientSuper_ *cs_; blkoff_t index_; }; static int on_truncate_(void *arg, uint8_t *data, size_t size) { int error = 0; struct TruncateFrame_ *tframe = (struct TruncateFrame_ *) arg; size_t prefix = tframe->cs_->prefix_.size_ + 1 + UuidLength_ + 3; struct String_ url[3]; size_t urls = 0; if (size < prefix) { log(ERR, "invalid returned object name"); _raise(EINVAL); } data[size] = '\0'; if (simple_strtoul(data + prefix, NULL, 10) < tframe->index_) goto done; ADD_STRING(URL, &tframe->cs_->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_RANGE(URL, data, size); _check(s3_request_( tframe->cs_, &HttpDelete_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), NULL, NULL, NULL )); done: return 0; error: return error; } static int s3_truncate_(struct inode *ki, blkoff_t index) { int error = 0; struct ClientIndex_ *ci; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 3 + 1]; struct String_ url[1]; size_t urls = 0; struct String_ query[3]; size_t queries = 0; struct TruncateFrame_ tframe; struct ParseFrame_ pframe = { .state_ = Parse_, .name_ = &XmlKey_, .content_ = false, .on_content_ = &on_truncate_, .arg_ = (void *) &tframe }; ci = indexnode_(ki); ks = ki->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, &ci->uuid_); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 4] = '/'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 3] = 'b'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 2] = ':'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(QUERY, "prefix="); ADD_STRING(QUERY, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(QUERY, uuid); tframe.index_ = index; tframe.cs_ = cs; _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpGet_, url, urls, query, queries, NULL, &on_parse_, (void *) &pframe )); if (pframe.state_ != Parse_) { log(ERR, "malformed XML response!"); _raise(EINVAL); } return 0; error: return error; } static int s3_get_super_(struct ClientSuper_ *cs, struct ServerSuper_ *ss) { int error = 0; struct String_ url[3]; size_t urls = 0; struct String_ body = { .data_ = (char *) ss, .size_ = sizeof(*ss) }; struct WriteFrame_ wframe = { .string_ = &body }; _assert(cs != NULL); _assert(ss != NULL); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->prefix_); _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpGet_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), NULL, &on_write_, &wframe )); if (_unlikely(body.size_ != 0)) { log(ERR, "truncated super node!"); _raise(EINVAL); } return 0; error: return error; } static struct address_space_operations address_space_operations_; static struct file_operations regular_file_operations_; static struct file_operations directory_file_operations_; static struct inode_operations index_operations_; /* Index Node Helpers {{{ */ static int index_test_(struct inode *ki, void *arg) { struct ClientIndex_ *ci; uuid_t *id; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p", ki, arg); _assert(ki != NULL); ci = indexnode_(ki); _assert(ci != NULL); id = (uuid_t *) arg; _assert(id != NULL); return uuid_compare_(&ci->uuid_, id) == 0; } static int index_init_(struct inode *ki, void *arg) { struct ClientIndex_ *ci; uuid_t *id; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p", ki, arg); _assert(ki != NULL); ci = indexnode_(ki); _assert(ci != NULL); id = (uuid_t *) arg; _assert(id != NULL); uuid_copy_(&ci->uuid_, id); ci->written_ = false; return 0; } static int index_set_(struct super_block *ks, struct inode *ki, struct ServerIndex_ *si) { _assert(ki != NULL); _assert(si != NULL); ki->i_mode = si->mode_; ki->i_rdev = huge_decode_dev(si->device_); ki->i_size = si->size_; ki->i_nlink = si->links_; ki->i_atime.tv_sec = si->accessed_.seconds_; ki->i_atime.tv_nsec = si->accessed_.nseconds_; ki->i_mtime.tv_sec = si->modified_.seconds_; ki->i_mtime.tv_nsec = si->modified_.nseconds_; ki->i_ctime.tv_sec = si->created_.seconds_; ki->i_ctime.tv_nsec = si->created_.nseconds_; ki->i_uid = si->user_; ki->i_gid = si->group_; ki->i_blocks = si->blocks_; return 0; } static int index_read_(struct inode *kindex, uuid_t *node) { int error = 0; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; struct String_ url[4]; size_t urls = 0; struct ServerIndex_ sindex; struct String_ body = { .data_ = (uint8_t *) &sindex, .size_ = sizeof(sindex) }; struct WriteFrame_ wframe = { .string_ = &body }; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 1]; _assert(kindex != NULL); ks = kindex->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, node); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(URL, uuid); _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpGet_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), NULL, &on_write_, &wframe )); if (_unlikely(body.size_ != 0)) { log(ERR, "truncated index node!"); _raise(EINVAL); } _check(index_set_(ks, kindex, &sindex)); return 0; error: return error; } static int index_write_( struct inode *ki ) { int error = 0; struct ClientIndex_ *ci; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; struct ServerIndex_ si; struct String_ url[4]; size_t urls = 0; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 1]; struct String_ body = { .data_ = (uint8_t *) &si, .size_ = sizeof(si) }; enter_("0x%p", ki); _assert(ki != NULL); ci = indexnode_(ki); _assert(ci != NULL); ks = ki->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, &ci->uuid_); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(URL, uuid); si.mode_ = ki->i_mode; si.device_ = huge_encode_dev(ki->i_rdev); si.size_ = ki->i_size; si.links_ = ki->i_nlink; si.accessed_.seconds_ = ki->i_atime.tv_sec; si.accessed_.nseconds_ = ki->i_atime.tv_nsec; si.modified_.seconds_ = ki->i_mtime.tv_sec; si.modified_.nseconds_ = ki->i_mtime.tv_nsec; si.created_.seconds_ = ki->i_ctime.tv_sec; si.created_.nseconds_ = ki->i_ctime.tv_nsec; si.user_ = ki->i_uid; si.group_ = ki->i_gid; si.blocks_ = ki->i_blocks; _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpPut_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), &body, NULL, NULL )); ci->written_ = true; return 0; error: return error; } struct Create_ { int mode_; dev_t device_; }; static int index_get_( struct super_block *ks, uuid_t *id, struct inode **pki, struct Create_ *create ) { int error = 0; struct inode *ki; struct ClientIndex_ *ci; ino_t hash; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p", ks, id, pki, create); _assert(ks != NULL); _assert(id != NULL); _assert(pki != NULL); *pki = NULL; hash = id->parts_.data1_; *pki = iget5_locked(ks, hash, &index_test_, &index_init_, (void *) id); if (*pki == NULL) _raise(EINVAL); ki = *pki; ci = indexnode_(ki); if ((ki->i_state & I_NEW) != 0) { ki->i_ino = hash; if (create == NULL) { _check(index_read_(ki, id)); ci->written_ = true; } else { struct timespec now; ki->i_mode = create->mode_; ki->i_rdev = create->device_; ki->i_size = 0; ki->i_nlink = S_ISDIR(ki->i_mode) ? 1 : 0; now = current_kernel_time(); ki->i_atime = now; ki->i_mtime = now; ki->i_ctime = now; /* XXX: where do I get these? */ ki->i_uid = 0; ki->i_gid = 0; ki->i_blocks = 0; } switch (ki->i_mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFREG: ki->i_op = &index_operations_; ki->i_mapping->a_ops = &address_space_operations_; ki->i_fop = ®ular_file_operations_; break; case S_IFDIR: ki->i_op = &index_operations_; ki->i_mapping->a_ops = &address_space_operations_; ki->i_fop = &directory_file_operations_; break; case S_IFLNK: ki->i_op = &index_operations_; ki->i_mapping->a_ops = &address_space_operations_; break; default: ki->i_op = &index_operations_; break; } ki->i_blksize = ks->s_blocksize; ki->i_blkbits = ks->s_blocksize_bits; unlock_new_inode(ki); if (create != NULL) mark_inode_dirty(ki); } return 0; error: if (*pki != NULL) { log(ERR, "this is very scary"); // XXX: what are we going to do?!? } return error; } static int index_new_(struct super_block *ks, struct inode **pki, int mode, dev_t device) { int error = 0; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; uuid_t id; struct Create_ create = { .mode_ = mode, .device_ = device }; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0%o", ks, pki, mode); _assert(ks != NULL); _assert(pki != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); uuid_create_(&id); _check(index_get_(ks, &id, pki, &create)); return 0; error: return error; } static int get_flag_(struct inode *ki, char *flag) { int error = 0; switch (ki->i_mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFBLK: *flag = 'b'; break; case S_IFCHR: *flag = 'c'; break; case S_IFDIR: *flag = 'd'; break; case S_IFIFO: *flag = 'f'; break; case S_IFLNK: *flag = 'l'; break; case S_IFREG: *flag = 'r'; break; case S_IFSOCK: *flag = 's'; break; default: log(ERR, "invalid inode format"); _raise(EINVAL); } return 0; error: return error; } static int index_connect_( struct inode *ki_parent, struct dentry *ke_child, struct inode *ki_child ) { int error = 0; struct ClientIndex_ *ci_parent; struct ClientIndex_ *ci_child; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; struct String_ body; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 3 + 1]; char meta[1 + 2 + UuidLength_ + 1]; struct String_ url[6]; size_t urls = 0; ci_parent = indexnode_(ki_parent); ci_child = indexnode_(ki_child); ks = ki_parent->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); body.data_ = ci_child->uuid_.bytes_; body.size_ = sizeof(ci_child->uuid_); uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, &ci_parent->uuid_); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 4] = '/'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 3] = 'l'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 2] = ':'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; meta[0] = '/'; _check(get_flag_(ki_child, &meta[1])); meta[2] = ':'; uuid_unparse_(meta + 3, &ci_child->uuid_); meta[sizeof(meta) - 1] = '\0'; ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(URL, uuid); /* XXX: URL encode! */ ADD_RANGE(URL, ke_child->d_name.name, ke_child->d_name.len); _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpPut_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), &body, NULL, NULL )); body.size_ = 0; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 3] = 'r'; ADD_CONST(URL, meta); _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpPut_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), &body, NULL, NULL )); inode_inc_link_count(ki_child); return 0; error: return error; } static int index_disconnect_( struct inode *ki_parent, struct dentry *ke_child ) { int error = 0; struct inode *ki_child; struct ClientIndex_ *ci_parent; struct ClientIndex_ *ci_child; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 3 + 1]; char meta[1 + 2 + UuidLength_ + 1]; struct String_ url[6]; size_t urls = 0; ki_child = ke_child->d_inode; _assert(ki_child != NULL); ci_parent = indexnode_(ki_parent); ci_child = indexnode_(ki_child); ks = ki_parent->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, &ci_parent->uuid_); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 4] = '/'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 3] = 'l'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 2] = ':'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; meta[0] = '/'; _check(get_flag_(ki_child, &meta[1])); meta[2] = ':'; uuid_unparse_(meta + 3, &ci_child->uuid_); meta[sizeof(meta) - 1] = '\0'; ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(URL, uuid); /* XXX: URL encode! */ ADD_RANGE(URL, ke_child->d_name.name, ke_child->d_name.len); _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpDelete_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), NULL, NULL, NULL )); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 3] = 'r'; ADD_CONST(URL, meta); _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpDelete_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), NULL, NULL, NULL )); inode_dec_link_count(ki_child); return 0; error: return error; } /* }}} */ /* VFS: Index Node Operations {{{ */ static int index_make_(struct inode *ki_parent, struct dentry *ke_child, int mode, dev_t device) { int error = 0; struct inode *ki_child; struct super_block *ks; _assert(ki_parent != NULL); _assert(ke_child != NULL); ks = ki_parent->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); _check(index_new_(ks, &ki_child, mode, device)); _check(index_connect_(ki_parent, ke_child, ki_child)); d_instantiate(ke_child, ki_child); return 0; error: if (ki_child != NULL) iput(ki_child); return error; } static int index_create_(struct inode *ki_parent, struct dentry *ke_child, int mode, struct nameidata *data) { enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0%o, 0x%p", ki_parent, ke_child, mode, data); return index_make_(ki_parent, ke_child, mode, 0); } static int index_link_(struct dentry *ke_from_child, struct inode *ki_to_parent, struct dentry *ke_to_child) { int error = 0; struct inode *ki_from_child; ki_from_child = ke_from_child->d_inode; _assert(ki_from_child != NULL); enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p", ke_from_child, ki_to_parent, ke_to_child); _check(index_connect_(ki_to_parent, ke_to_child, ki_from_child)); return 0; error: return error; } static int index_mkdir_(struct inode *ki_parent, struct dentry *ke_child, int mode) { int error = 0; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0%o", ki_parent, ke_child, mode); _check(index_make_(ki_parent, ke_child, mode | S_IFDIR, 0)); inode_inc_link_count(ki_parent); return 0; error: return error; } static int index_mknod_(struct inode *ki_parent, struct dentry *ke_child, int mode, dev_t device) { enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0%o, 0x%x", ki_parent, ke_child, mode, device); return index_make_(ki_parent, ke_child, mode, device); } static int index_rename_( struct inode *ki_from_parent, struct dentry *ke_from_child, struct inode *ki_to_parent, struct dentry *ke_to_child ) { int error = 0; struct inode *ki_from_child; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p", ki_from_parent, ke_from_child, ki_to_parent, ke_to_child); ki_from_child = ke_from_child->d_inode; _assert(ki_from_child != NULL); /* XXX: needs to unlink the old child somehow */ _check(index_connect_(ki_to_parent, ke_to_child, ki_from_child)); _check(index_disconnect_(ki_from_parent, ke_from_child)); return 0; error: return error; } static int index_rmdir_(struct inode *ki_parent, struct dentry *ke_child) { int error = 0; struct inode *ki_child; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p", ki_parent, ke_child); ki_child = ke_child->d_inode; _assert(ki_child != NULL); if (ki_child->i_nlink != 2) _raise(ENOTEMPTY); _check(index_disconnect_(ki_parent, ke_child)); inode_dec_link_count(ki_parent); inode_dec_link_count(ki_child); return 0; error: return error; } /* XXX: if page_symlink() fails we should probably destroy the inode somehow! */ static int index_symlink_(struct inode *ki_parent, struct dentry *ke_child, const char *ac_target) { int error = 0; struct inode *ki_child; size_t length; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p", ki_parent, ke_child, ac_target); _assert(ki_parent != NULL); _assert(ke_child != NULL); _assert(ac_target != NULL); length = strlen(ac_target) + 1; _check(index_make_(ki_parent, ke_child, S_IRWXUGO | S_IFLNK, 0)); ki_child = ke_child->d_inode; _assert(ki_child != NULL); _check(page_symlink(ki_child, ac_target, length)); return 0; error: return error; } static void index_truncate_(struct inode *ki) { enter_("0x%p", ki); } static int index_unlink_(struct inode *ki_parent, struct dentry *ke_child) { enter_("0x%p, 0x%p", ki_parent, ke_child); return index_disconnect_(ki_parent, ke_child); } static struct dentry *index_lookup_(struct inode *kindex, struct dentry *kentry, struct nameidata *data) { int error = 0; struct ClientIndex_ *cindex; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; struct String_ url[5]; size_t urls = 0; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 3 + 1]; uuid_t uchild; struct inode *kchild; struct String_ body = { .data_ = uchild.bytes_, .size_ = sizeof(uchild) }; struct WriteFrame_ wframe = { .string_ = &body }; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p", kindex, kentry, data); cindex = indexnode_(kindex); ks = kindex->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, &cindex->uuid_); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 4] = '/'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 3] = 'l'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 2] = ':'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(URL, uuid); /* XXX: URL encode! */ ADD_RANGE(URL, kentry->d_name.name, kentry->d_name.len); if (_unlikely((error = s3_request_( cs, &HttpGet_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), NULL, &on_write_, &wframe )) < 0)) switch (error) { case -ENOENT: return NULL; default: goto error; } if (_unlikely(body.size_ != 0)) { log(ERR, "truncated uuid!"); _raise(EINVAL); } _check(index_get_(ks, &uchild, &kchild, NULL)); d_add(kentry, kchild); return NULL; error: return ERR_PTR(error); } static struct inode_operations index_operations_ = { .create = &index_create_, .link = &index_link_, .lookup = &index_lookup_, .mkdir = &index_mkdir_, .mknod = &index_mknod_, .rename = &index_rename_, .rmdir = &index_rmdir_, .symlink = &index_symlink_, .truncate = &index_truncate_, .unlink = &index_unlink_ }; /* }}} */ /* VFS: File Operations {{{ */ struct DirectoryFrame_ { struct file *kfile_; filldir_t filldir_; void *arg_; }; static int on_key_(void *arg, uint8_t *data, size_t size) { int error = 0; struct DirectoryFrame_ *dframe = (struct DirectoryFrame_ *) arg; /* XXX: I don't know if I like this */ struct ClientSuper_ *cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) dframe->kfile_->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb->s_fs_info; size_t prefix = cs->prefix_.size_ + 1 + UuidLength_ + 3; size_t postfix = 3 + UuidLength_; unsigned type; switch (data[size - postfix + 1]) { case 'b': type = DT_BLK; break; case 'c': type = DT_CHR; break; case 'd': type = DT_DIR; break; case 'f': type = DT_SOCK; break; case 'l': type = DT_LNK; break; case 'r': type = DT_REG; break; case 's': type = DT_FIFO; break; default: /* XXX: DT_UNKNOWN */ _raise(EINVAL); break; } if (size < prefix + postfix) { log(ERR, "invalid returned object name"); _raise(EINVAL); } /* XXX: check for eof! */ if ((error = dframe->filldir_( dframe->arg_, data + prefix, size - prefix - postfix, ++dframe->kfile_->f_pos, parent_ino(dframe->kfile_->f_dentry), type )) < 0) goto error; return 0; error: return error; } static int directory_readdir_(struct file *kf, void *arg, filldir_t filldir) { int error = 0; struct dentry *ke; struct inode *kindex; struct ClientIndex_ *cindex; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 3 + 1]; struct String_ url[1]; size_t urls = 0; struct String_ query[3]; size_t queries = 0; struct DirectoryFrame_ dframe = { .kfile_ = kf, .filldir_ = filldir, .arg_ = arg }; struct ParseFrame_ pframe = { .state_ = Parse_, .name_ = &XmlKey_, .content_ = false, .on_content_ = &on_key_, .arg_ = (void *) &dframe }; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p", kf, arg, filldir); _assert(kf != NULL); ke = kf->f_dentry; _assert(ke != NULL); kindex = ke->d_inode; _assert(kindex != NULL); cindex = indexnode_(kindex); _assert(cindex != NULL); ks = kindex->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); switch (kf->f_pos) { /* XXX: obviously wrong! */ default: return 0; case 0: if ((error = filldir(arg, ".", 1, 0, kindex->i_ino, DT_DIR)) < 0) goto error; case 1: if ((error = filldir(arg, "..", 2, 1, parent_ino(ke), DT_DIR)) < 0) goto error; kf->f_pos = 2; } uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, &cindex->uuid_); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 4] = '/'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 3] = 'r'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 2] = ':'; uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(QUERY, "prefix="); ADD_STRING(QUERY, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(QUERY, uuid); _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpGet_, url, urls, query, queries, NULL, &on_parse_, (void *) &pframe )); if (pframe.state_ != Parse_) { log(ERR, "malformed XML response!"); _raise(EINVAL); } return 0; error: return error; } static struct file_operations regular_file_operations_ = { .aio_read = &generic_file_aio_read, .aio_write = &generic_file_aio_write, .fsync = &simple_sync_file, //.ioctl = &file_ioctl_, .llseek = &generic_file_llseek, .mmap = &generic_file_mmap, .open = &generic_file_open, .read = &generic_file_read, .readv = &generic_file_readv, //.release = &file_release_, .sendfile = &generic_file_sendfile, .splice_read = &generic_file_splice_read, .splice_write = &generic_file_splice_write, .write = &generic_file_write, .writev = &generic_file_writev }; static struct file_operations directory_file_operations_ = { .readdir = &directory_readdir_ }; /* }}} */ /* VFS: Address Space Operations {{{ */ static void show_page_(struct page *page) { /*if (page != NULL) log(INFO, "page(0x%p): index=%lu\n", page, page->index);*/ } static int on_commit_write_( struct file *kf, struct page *page, unsigned from, unsigned to ) { struct dentry *ke; struct inode *ki; char *map; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, %u, %u", kf, page, from, to); _assert(kf != NULL); _assert(page != NULL); ke = kf->f_dentry; _assert(ke != NULL); ki = ke->d_inode; _assert(ki != NULL); map = kmap(page); _assert(map != NULL); kunmap(map); return 0; } static int on_get_block_(struct inode *ki, sector_t block, struct buffer_head *result, int create) { int error = 0; enter_("0x%p, %u, 0x%p, %u", ki, (unsigned) block, result, create); _raise(EINVAL); return 0; error: return error; } static int on_prepare_write_( struct file *kf, struct page *page, unsigned from, unsigned to ) { int error = 0; struct dentry *ke; struct inode *ki; char *map = NULL; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, %u, %u", kf, page, from, to); show_page_(page); ke = kf->f_dentry; _assert(ke != NULL); ki = ke->d_inode; _assert(ki != NULL); if (!page_has_buffers(page)) create_empty_buffers(page, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE, 0); if (!PageUptodate(page)) { if (from != 0 || to != PAGE_CACHE_SIZE) { map = kmap(page); _assert(map != NULL); _check(s3_get_block_(ki, map, page->index)); kunmap(page); map = NULL; } SetPageUptodate(page); } return 0; error: if (map != NULL) kunmap(page); return error; } static int on_readpage_( struct file *kf, struct page *page ) { int error = 0; char *map = NULL; struct dentry *ke; struct inode *ki; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p", kf, page); show_page_(page); _assert(kf != NULL); _assert(page != NULL); ke = kf->f_dentry; _assert(ke != NULL); ki = ke->d_inode; _assert(ki != NULL); if (!PageUptodate(page)) { map = kmap(page); _assert(map != NULL); _check(s3_get_block_(ki, map, page->index)); kunmap(page); map = NULL; SetPageUptodate(page); } unlock_page(page); return 0; error: if (map != NULL) kunmap(page); return error; } static int on_writepage_( struct page *page, struct writeback_control *control ) { int error = 0; struct inode *ki; char *map = NULL; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p", page, control); show_page_(page); _assert(page != NULL); _assert(control != NULL); ki = page->mapping->host; _assert(ki != NULL); map = kmap(page); _assert(map != NULL); _check(s3_put_block_(ki, map, page->index)); kunmap(page); map = NULL; unlock_page(page); return 0; error: if (map != NULL) kunmap(page); set_page_dirty(page); unlock_page(page); log(ERR, "writepage() failed!"); return error; } static struct address_space_operations address_space_operations_ = { .commit_write = &generic_commit_write, .prepare_write = &on_prepare_write_, .readpage = &on_readpage_, //.sync_page = &on_sync_page_, .writepage = &on_writepage_ }; /* }}} */ /* VFS: Super Block Operations {{{ */ static kmem_cache_t *index_cache_; static struct inode *allocate_index_(void) { struct ClientIndex_ *cindex; enter_(""); cindex = kmem_cache_alloc(index_cache_, SLAB_KERNEL); return &cindex->kindex_; } static void initialize_index_(void *arg, kmem_cache_t *cache, unsigned long flags) { struct ClientIndex_ *cindex; //enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%lx", arg, cache, flags); _assert(cache != NULL); cindex = (struct ClientIndex_ *) arg; _assert(cindex != NULL); if ((flags & (SLAB_CTOR_VERIFY | SLAB_CTOR_CONSTRUCTOR)) == SLAB_CTOR_CONSTRUCTOR) inode_init_once(&cindex->kindex_); } static struct inode *on_alloc_inode_(struct super_block *ks) { struct ClientSuper_ *cs; enter_("0x%p", ks); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; return allocate_index_(); } static void on_delete_inode_(struct inode *ki) { int error = 0; struct ClientIndex_ *ci; struct super_block *ks; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; struct String_ url[4]; size_t urls = 0; char uuid[1 + UuidLength_ + 1]; enter_("0x%p", ki); ci = indexnode_(ki); if (!ci->written_) goto clear; ks = ki->i_sb; _assert(ks != NULL); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; _assert(cs != NULL); uuid[0] = '/'; uuid_unparse_(uuid + 1, &ci->uuid_); uuid[sizeof(uuid) - 1] = '\0'; ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->bucket_); ADD_CONST(URL, "/"); ADD_STRING(URL, &cs->prefix_); ADD_CONST(URL, uuid); _check(s3_request_( cs, &HttpDelete_, url, urls, NULL, _not(size_t), NULL, NULL, NULL )); _check(s3_truncate_(ki, 0)); clear: truncate_inode_pages(&ki->i_data, 0); clear_inode(ki); return; error: log(ERR, "on_delete_inode_() failed!"); return; } static void on_destroy_inode_(struct inode *ki) { struct ClientIndex_ *ci; enter_("0x%p", ki); ci = indexnode_(ki); kmem_cache_free(index_cache_, ci); } static void on_drop_inode_(struct inode *kindex) { struct ClientIndex_ *cindex; enter_("0x%p", kindex); cindex = indexnode_(kindex); generic_delete_inode(kindex); } /*static void on_read_inode_(struct inode *kindex) { struct ClientIndex_ *cindex; enter_("0x%p", kindex); cindex = indexnode_(kindex); RR }*/ static int on_write_inode_(struct inode *kindex, int sync) { enter_("0x%p, %d", kindex, sync); _assert(kindex != NULL); return index_write_(kindex); } static void on_put_super_(struct super_block *ks) { struct ClientSuper_ *cs; enter_("0x%p", ks); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; } static int on_remount_fs_(struct super_block *ks, int *flags, char *data) { struct ClientSuper_ *info; enter_("0x%p, [0x%p] 0x%x, \"%s\"", ks, flags, *flags, data); info = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; return -ENOTTY; } static int on_show_options_(struct seq_file *sequence, struct vfsmount *mount) { enter_("0x%p, 0x%p", sequence, mount); return -ENOTTY; } static int on_statfs_(struct super_block *ks, struct kstatfs *buf) { struct ClientSuper_ *info; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p", ks, buf); info = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; return -ENOTTY; } static struct super_operations super_operations_ = { .alloc_inode = &on_alloc_inode_, .delete_inode = &on_delete_inode_, .destroy_inode = &on_destroy_inode_, /*.drop_inode = &on_drop_inode_*//*, .read_inode = &on_read_inode_, .put_super = &on_put_super_, .remount_fs = &on_remount_fs_, .show_options = &on_show_options_, .statfs = &on_statfs_,*/ .write_inode = &on_write_inode_ }; /* }}} */ /* VFS: File System Operations {{{ */ static void cleanup_super_(struct super_block *ks) { struct ClientSuper_ *cs; enter_("0x%p", ks); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) ks->s_fs_info; if (cs == NULL) return; while (cs->connection_ != NULL) { struct Connection_ *next = cs->connection_->next_; destroy_connection_(cs->connection_); cs->connection_ = next; } kfree(cs); ks->s_fs_info = NULL; } static bool parse_options_(struct ClientSuper_ *cs, void *data) { struct String_ options; if (data == NULL) return true; options.data_ = (char *) data; options.size_ = strlen(options.data_); while (options.size_ != 0) { struct String_ name, value; if (*options.data_ == ',') { string_movenext_(&options); continue; } name.data_ = options.data_; if ((options.data_ = memchr(options.data_, ',', options.size_)) == NULL) { name.size_ = options.size_; options.size_ = 0; } else { name.size_ = options.data_ - name.data_; options.size_ -= name.size_; *options.data_ = '\0'; string_movenext_(&options); } if ((value.data_ = memchr(name.data_, '=', name.size_)) == NULL) value.size_ = 0; else { size_t size = name.size_; name.size_ = value.data_ - name.data_; *(value.data_++) = '\0'; value.size_ = size - name.size_ - 1; } if (string_equals_(&name, "id")) { if (value.data_ == NULL) return false; string_copy_string_(&cs->id_, &value); } else if (string_equals_(&name, "key")) { if (value.data_ == NULL) return false; string_copy_string_(&cs->key_, &value); } else if (string_equals_(&name, "host")) { if (value.data_ == NULL) return false; string_copy_string_(&cs->host_, &value); } else if (string_equals_(&name, "port")) { if (value.data_ == NULL) return false; /* XXX: verify number? */ cs->port_ = simple_strtoul(value.data_, NULL, 0); } else return false; } return true; } static int on_fill_super_(struct super_block *ks, void *data, int silent) { int error = 0; struct Combined_ *combined = (struct Combined_ *) data; struct ClientSuper_ *cs; struct ServerSuper_ ss; struct inode *root = NULL; size_t length; char *extra, *slash; enter_("0x%p, 0x%p, %u", ks, data, silent); ks->s_magic = S3FS_MAGIC; ks->s_op = &super_operations_; ks->s_time_gran = 1; snprintf(ks->s_id, sizeof(ks->s_id), "s3"); length = strlen(combined->device_); cs = (struct ClientSuper_ *) kzalloc(sizeof(struct ClientSuper_) + length + 1, GFP_KERNEL); if (cs == NULL) _raise(ENOMEM); ks->s_fs_info = (void *) cs; extra = (char *) (cs + 1); memcpy(extra, combined->device_, length); extra[length] = '\0'; slash = memchr(extra, '/', length); if (slash == NULL) _raise(EINVAL); cs->bucket_.data_ = extra; cs->bucket_.size_ = slash - extra; *slash = '\0'; cs->prefix_.data_ = slash + 1; cs->prefix_.size_ = length - cs->bucket_.size_ - 1; init_MUTEX(&cs->lock_); if (!parse_options_(cs, combined->data_)) _raise(EINVAL); if (cs->host_.size_ == 0) string_copy_cstr_(&cs->host_, AmazonHost_); if (cs->port_ == 0) cs->port_ = AmazonPort_; if (cs->id_.size_ == 0) _raise(EINVAL); if (cs->key_.size_ == 0) _raise(EINVAL); _check(s3_get_super_(cs, &ss)); ks->s_blocksize_bits = ss.bits_; ks->s_blocksize = 1 << ks->s_blocksize_bits; _check(index_get_(ks, &ss.root_, &root, NULL)); ks->s_root = d_alloc_root(root); if (ks->s_root == NULL) _raise(ENOMEM); root = NULL; return 0; error: if (root != NULL) iput(root); cleanup_super_(ks); return error; } static #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 18) int #else struct super_block * #endif on_get_super_( struct file_system_type *system, int flags, const char *device, void *data #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 18) , struct vfsmount *mount #endif ) { struct Combined_ combined = { .device_ = device, .data_ = data }; enter_("0x%p, 0x%x, \"%s\", 0x%p", system, flags, device, data); return get_sb_nodev(system, flags, &combined, &on_fill_super_ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 18) , mount #endif ); } static void on_kill_super_(struct super_block *ks) { kill_anon_super(ks); cleanup_super_(ks); } static struct file_system_type s3fs_ = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .next = NULL, .name = "s3fs", .get_sb = &on_get_super_, .kill_sb = &on_kill_super_, .fs_flags = 0 }; /* }}} */ /* Module Initialization/Termination {{{ */ static void on_cleanup_(void) { enter_(""); if (index_cache_ != NULL) kmem_cache_destroy(index_cache_); if (tfm_ != NULL) crypto_free_tfm(tfm_); unregister_filesystem(&s3fs_); } static int __init on_init_(void) { int error; if ((error = register_filesystem(&s3fs_)) != 0) goto error; if ((tfm_ = crypto_alloc_tfm("sha1", 0)) == NULL) { /* XXX: what to do? */ _raise(ENOMEM); } if ((index_cache_ = kmem_cache_create( "s3fs_index_cache3", sizeof(struct ClientIndex_), 0, SLAB_RECLAIM_ACCOUNT | SLAB_MEM_SPREAD, &initialize_index_, NULL )) == NULL) _raise(ENOMEM); log(INFO, "installed."); return 0; error: on_cleanup_(); return error; } static void __exit on_exit_(void) { on_cleanup_(); } module_init(on_init_) module_exit(on_exit_) /* }}} */ /* Module Configuration {{{ */ MODULE_AUTHOR("Jay Freeman (saurik) "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Amazon S3 File System"); MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); /* }}} */